DIY Stencils

I love the uniformity and regularity you can achieve with stencils, but I can never find stencils I like – they’re always cheesy kids pictures or too finely detailed for my purposes. While cruising around trying to find something else I came across this tutorial over on Sand & Sisal, I especially love the hibiscus flower she’s stencilled in the tutorial – they’re my second favorite flower after frangipani 😉

Now to track down one of those fancy Martha Stewart cutting tool thingy . . .

Chalkboard Coasters tutorial

This is one project that I’d be doing right now if I had the materials – I see an emergency trip to Spotlight in the morning, and in the meantime I’m going to spend hours looking for these great henna tattoo motifs. I love coasters and what better way to get kids to get into good habits but to have their name written on their coaster – or better still, have kids write on the coasters themselves!

Check out the tutorial over at Shrimp Salad Circus. I’m pretty sure I’ll be back with my attempts before too long 😉

I found a stamping “how-to”!

I don’t know about anyone else, but as an extremely novice crafter, I’ve found it difficult to find really basic info on various crafts. In this tutorial over at the zen of making everything is covered right down to how to apply your ink to the stamps!

Cross stitch is one craft I’ve had years of experience on, and I’ve always loved it – so this little stamping project really appeals to me. Definitely worth a go – I reckon it would be fun to stamp & stitch on card as well as fabric.